Follow this link to access the WIKI page we are going to be using:


S4 Expert Systems

Lookup the expert systems in the textbook and make some notes on them here: http://etherpad.com/bCZomMT4LY

The return of the cool wall!

It’s time to bring back an old favourite, the ICT Cool Wall!

Click here to be taken to the new online coolwall!

S1 Wallwisher

Here is a link to the class wallwisher that you all signed up for today,

Here is a link to the Wallwisher page for Inveralmond Community High School in Livingston where I would like you to add a post to describing today’s weather in one word! (Only one word)

Internet Safety

Add notes to this Etherpad on viruses

S1 and the weather

A number of the S1 have said that they know of good websites for forecasting the weather, please add them here as a comment.

Work for Tuesday 12/01/10

Happy New Year everyone!

Hopefully you all made it in safely. Here is the work for you all today.

S2 – using the scratch booklets beside the computers have a go at making the splat the cat game

S3 – complete the spreadsheets and databases questions using practice papers on this page. http://bit.ly/7bVYnC

Save a screenshot to your server

S4 – as above for s3 but complete the communications and webpage questions.

Practical Technologies – continue on with the scratch booklets.